After the Halloween candy, turkey, holiday treats and Valentine’s Day chocolates, it’s time to think about that spring break body. If you need some help achieving the sculpted look you envision for yourself, we have the non-invasive treatments to make it happen.

When it comes to non-invasive fat reduction and muscle sculpting, there are many options on the market. We’re dedicated to helping our patients get the best results possible, so we offer the most effective treatments in the industry:

  1. Embrace the cold with Coolsculpting. Like its motto indicates, “If you can squeeze it, we can freeze it.” Coolsculpting can permanently reduce up to 25% of fat using a non-invasive procedure called Cryolipolysis. This method effectively freezes and kills the targeted fat cells, which the body then naturally removes. Each treatment takes only 30 minutes, and with our DualSculpting capabilities, you can treat multiple areas at the same time. It is FDA-approved to reduce fat under the jaw line and chin, inner and outer thighs, along the bra line, on the back, abdomen and flanks, under the buttocks and the upper arms.
  2. Warm up with SculpSure. Also known as WarmSculpting, this treatment can also remove up to 24% of stubborn fat using a ‘warmer’ method. By using a specific wavelength that only targets fat cells, SculpSure destroys fat cells through a process called lipolysis. It is FDA-cleared for use on the abdomen, flanks, back, inner thighs, outer thighs and double-chin area.
  3. Get toned with Emsculpt. Get beach-ready with more toned abs and uplifted glutes. A 30-minute Emsculpt session is equivalent to 20,000 crunches or squats! It works by directing highly focused electromagnetic energy to the treatment area, forcing the muscles to contract in a way that is not possible through exercise.

This treatment is beloved by fitness influencers, personal trainers and busy professionals who want to look and feel more sculpted.

There is no downtime for any of these treatments so you can return to your daily routine right after the session, just like these patients did:

Ready to get sculpted for spring break? Call us at 646-362-5245 and ask to speak to our “body sculpting diva”, Kristen Divestea. She will answer all of your questions and get you set up for a consultation.

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