We won’t speculate on whether or not Kylie Jenner started the trend, but… plump, full lips are all the rage! And the good news is that you can get your version of them too.
Why do we say, “your version”? Because pasting Kylie’s lips on your face will probably not look believable unless you are her doppelganger. Instead, you can get lip augmentation that is harmonious with your facial features and will have people turning their heads for all the right reasons, not because you look like a duck.
Prior to starting the treatment, Dr. Levine looks at your face as a whole, noting the proportion of the features, while keeping in mind the results you want to achieve. While the type of filler used may vary based on the individual and the results they are looking for, Restylane Silk is one of the most popular due to its smooth consistency.
As you will see in the video below, Dr. Levine uses tools throughout the procedure to ensure the results are symmetrical and according to plan. Take a look! Then, schedule your appointment by calling 212-517-9400.